Ezio De Angelis | Medium

What is death?

My name is Ezio De Angelis, and I am a spiritual medium. I spend a lot of time with people who have lost loved ones and know that we all experience death a little differently, depending on who we lost, how we lost them or even our religious beliefs.

My view of death is shaped by my experiences too. I can’t recall a time in my life when the spirit people weren’t around. My earliest memories of them are when I was four or five years old. They kept me connected to their world until I was ready to start my work as a spirit messenger. That happened in 1996 and I’ve been a medium ever since.

They were my invisible friends and my spiritual teachers. In my late teens, they explained that my life on Earth was like a working holiday for my soul. My body is the room I rent while I explore my new surroundings. When the holiday is over, I pack up and leave.

“Where will I go?” I asked them.

“Home,” one replied.

So, what is death?

Death is when my spirit goes home.

What happens when we die?  

The spirit world is our true home. It is the place we come from before we are born and the place we return to when we die.

The unseen world surrounds us. It isn’t up there, out there, down there or anywhere else. Its right here and fits over our world like a glove over a hand. We can’t see it because it operates at a much higher energy vibration.

Picture an electric fan sitting on a kitchen bench. You can see the body of the fan because it’s not moving but you can’t see the blades when they’re spinning. Yet both the visible and the invisible are present in the same space.

I know through my mediumistic work that both the material and spirit worlds co-exist in the same way.  I work hard at giving my clients the best possible evidence that their loved ones watch over them and take an active interest in their lives.

When our spirit leaves our body and returns to its home in the unseen world, it carries the love, experience and wisdom gained from the physical world but not the heavier baggage such as disease, suffering or mental illness etc. The love we carry resonates with our soul family and we are reunited with the people who went before us—even our beloved pets.  

It’s amazing how many people are super connected to their pets. I bring through a lot of pets!

These reunions are more than just a pleasant surprise; they are a powerful realisation of the continuity of life: If the people we care about aren’t dead, then neither are we! 

Our soul awakens to its true nature. We get healing and counselling if needed and undertake a review of the life we just left behind to see if we did what we set out to do because every soul has a purpose and a role to play. In some cases, we might need to make amends for something we did. We do this by finding a way to give back or by paying it forward. We then begin planning our soul’s next epic journey.

I believe that we come from a universal consciousness that most people refer to as God. That consciousness is the centre of everything. Our soul is a fragment of that. We come from it; we return to it.

What happens between those two events can vary depending on the life we live, religion and the like but we always go back there…or maybe we never really left!

—Ezio De Angelis (2024)


Editor’s note: Ezio De Angelis is one of Australia’s best Psychic Mediums and was voted in the Country’s top three psychics on Channel Seven’s prime-time series, The One: The Search for Australia’s Most Gifted Psychic. He was named Australian Psychic of the Year in 2012 and has amazed audiences across Australia with his unparalleled ability to connect with those in the spirit world. Prior to winning the national award for excellence, Ezio was voted the NSW Psychic of the year in 2010. Together with his wife, Michelle De Angelis who is also a gifted medium, he has co-authored the much loved book, Postcards from the Other Side – True Stories of the Afterlife. Click here for further information…

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