The Death Letter Project
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"I discovered your Death letters at a pertinent time in my life. Someone very close to me had recently died tragically, I was confused, lost, bereaved and questioning our own mortality. But I found it comforting and inspiring to read the wide variety of possibilities as to what may happen to us when we die, I looked forward to reading the letters every week to hear about other peoples experiences and insights. Hearing the views from aboriginal dreamtimes, rabbis, priests, imams, atheists, morticians, paramedics and much more has been engaging whether it be from a religious, cultural, scientific or a humanistic point of view. The photos that accompanied the letters where beautifully shot and provided a face to the words.

Death is not something we are used to talking about in our society, and I feel we aren't taught the necessary skills to deal with it when it effects us, so I am glad you are starting up a much needed conversation with these letters. I look forward to reading the next 50 letters. Regards."
- Rohan Madison, London

"A valuable intimate insight into the lives of fellow Australians. Some responses echoed deeply in my heart while others provoked thought, thank you to each of the participants and to Tina for sharing this path."
- Leigh Connell, Australia

"Thanks for sharing the death letters post on fb. We were pregnant again at the very end of last year, and everything was going fine with the pregnancy, a 7 and 12 week scan showed everything was fine. Then at the 20 week scan there was no heartbeat and our baby boy had passed away a few weeks earlier. Reading the death letters is helping me come to terms with where he is now, and his spirit must still be around somewhere. Thanks for sharing the post."
Ruth Steinbring, Australia

"I too heard about your project on Tapestry. I went on your website and try to read one letter a day, as a form of meditation, connection. Death to me is the ultimate truth, and reading about the truths of so many in their delicate or raw authenticity renders me speechless. As a practice, on my end I wrote a letter to myself, with responses to the questions you have posed. I will continue to write them every few years or so -- use it as a reflection of what version of truth is resonating in my soul at different points in my life. Deepest gratitude for your work, Tina, and for sharing it."
- Diana Tseng, Netherlands

"This afternoon, I heard an interview you gave to a spirituality program called Tapestry on radio 1 from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).. You stopped me in my tracks. What a profound project, and what amazing and moving letters. I lost one of my five brothers to a brain tumour in June 2009. Then a few years later, my parents passed over in rapid succession -- Mum in Nov 2014 and Dad in Feb 2015. Also, like many folks in their 50s, I've experienced death both sudden and unexpected among my friends and acquaintances. I've used these opportunities to think about the bonds I still share with everyone on the other side, and how to live my life in a way that will leave me with as few regrets as possible when it's my time to cross over. Thank you for your beautiful work. I hope with all my heart that one day soon, it will be available in book form. Keep on, keeping on."

- Jane Drake, Canada

“On Canadian radio (CBC), I heard you speak about your project "Death Letters" (and subsequent experiences) regarding research on what happens when we die.  I enjoyed your talk thoroughly,.. bravo!"

- Michael G., Vancouver, BC, Canada

"Dear Tina,

I wanted to thank you for your project, which has helped me immensely. I was very scared of anyone I love dying and found the topic frightening. Your project has helped heal me and I am now falling in love with death. Thanks from the bottom of my heart."

- Lu, England

"Brava. This project is really important. Really helpful to me, my family and friends." 
- Francesca Bussey, Australia