The Death Letter Project
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Mae Rosukhon | Complex Life Manager

What is death? Death is a state of finality that dawns on you as someone you love dies. The realisation that you won't get to have any more time or create any more memories with someone. No more conversations, checking in, reaching out, meeting up—the lack of future with someone, in this existence.

When my mother died very suddenly in August 2016, the emotions, feelings, questions about her life and death were overwhelming. Did she have a good life? How did she face her transition out of this world? How can we mark and honour someone's legacy? It's up to us to make our own meanings from someone's passing.

Death gives us the opportunity to look at our lives and relationships. What would happen if I suddenly died? Would I be ok with how I've lived? With the way of how things were in the world? With my relationships with each person I knew?

I have no idea what happens when we die. But I hope I'll get to see the people who've already gone from this world again.

—Mae Rosukhon (2018)

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