The Death Letter Project
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Sue-Ellen Rosenberg | Primary School Art Teacher

My darling baby Sybil,

A week has now gone by since you left Astro and I on this earth.

I'm heartbroken and grieving so much. I look in all the usual places around our home, the beanbag, the scratching post, the dresser where you used to eat - the stool next to it, my lap and my pillow where you'd rest your head on my cheek - purr loudly and I could hear your little cat heart beat.

I miss you so much Sybil...

We had a wonderful last day together. Starting with last minute cuddles in bed - next to my head! When we got up, you and Astro followed me down the hallway to the kitchen and you even ate something! I noticed you perk up which was amazing!

You sat in the garden in the sun under the magnolia tree and listened to the birds sing.

We had some lap cuddle time where we looked at your baby kitten pictures together.

Friends dropped in and we ate Banh Mi in the garden. You would always sit with me while I ate one of these - this was your last time.

More friends came and said their goodbyes to you.

Around 3pm the vet called to say he was coming soon to send you off peacefully.

Not long after that, it was time to say goodbye to you. I've always dreaded this moment.

A towel was laid on the table and then you were given a dissociative relaxant. Your body went floppy and limp as it kicked in. You were then brought over to my lap so I could hold you for one very last time.

Your front paw leg was shaved so the vet could inject the green dream into you. You went limp on me pretty much straight away, at around 3.56pm.

As I went to close your eyes, I could actually see your eyes shrink and shrivel as your beautiful spirit left us.

Your body spent the night in the fridge in preparation for burial the next day.

Friends came over the next morning to prepare your final resting place.

It was time to take your body out from the fridge - you felt cold, hard and stiff - and really heavy.

I looked at you for one last time.

You were just a body...your eyes were shut - dead and cold.

I lowered you into your place and that was it.

I come and visit you several times a day. I can't believe you're gone now. I miss you so much, I wish you were still with me - and Astro.

—Sue-Ellen Rosenberg (2018)

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